Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Frugal : Homemade Pectin (For Jam/Jelly)

Welcome to the first post in our new segment - Frugal! 

I've been implementing this 'lifestyle' into my life for a few months now, and to be honest, I love it! I love not wasting hardly anything, and making many things out of items that used to be 'garbage'.

So, here's how to make homemade pectin for your jams and jellies :)

  1. Chop 2 pounds apple peelings and cores (or whole sour cooking apples or crab apples - yes, crab apples!)
    1. If you don't have 2 pounds, ignore step 2 and put what you have in your pot, and just cover the peels in the pot.
  2.  Cover with 4 1/2 cups water, and simmer gently, stirring occasionally for about 45 minutes, or until pulpy.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a scalded jelly bag suspended over a large bowl and leave to drain, undisturbed, in a cool place for 8 - 12 hours.
    1. A well washed and rinsed receiving blanket works great for this if you don't have a jelly bag!
  4. Store pectin extract in the fridge once you have made it.
  5. Use 1 1/4 cups of extract for every 4 pounds low-pectin fruit.
  6. Add it to the fruit after it has been cooked but before the sugar is added.
  7. 2/3 cup homemade pectin is the same as 3 ounces of powdered gelatin.


Saturday, December 03, 2011

Contest / Give Away!

So, this is very exciting! Our first give away / contest! 
We're going to keep it pretty simple, so we don't get caught up in things we don't know!

What's Up For Grabs?
A $20.00 Gift Card To Lacey Lickins Online!

How Do I Get Entries?
(Each = 1 Entry)
Follow Me On Twitter
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Follow This Blog!

Please leave a comment for each separate entry! If you choose not to follow this blog, you can post your comments here on facebook.

Contest starts now, and ends Friday, December 9th, 2011.

Enjoy Everyone!

Baby Leggings

We've had the line for a little while now, but because they've been going like hotcakes, I haven't had a chance to post about them. So here's the new line we have up!

Would you like to place an order? Feel free to visit our facebook page and comment on the ones you would like to order.
Send me and e-mail at LaceyLickins@gmail.com including:
Your Name;
Your E-mail;
Items To Order;

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Save Money On Baby

We all love the little tarts, but they can be costly on the budget. Here’s a few tips on how to save some money for that vacay that you’re looking forward to.
  1. Breastfeed.
    1. This doesn’t always mean you have to be stuck  to baby every three hours. An electric pump may be costly in the beginning, but weigh it out versus formula for baby for the next year or more. Plus, it helps you get back into shape!
  2. Home-made Baby Food.
    1. Blend, freeze in icecube trays and microwave when ready. It’s healthier, and it’s far cheaper.
  3. Baby Wipes
    1. Make your own. (Great Tutorial here.)
    2. Use facecloths when you’re at home.
      1. Designate 10 baby facecloths (preferably a different colour or design) specifically for baby’s bum. It’ll save you a ton on wipes.
  4. Forget the following:
    1. Baby Shoes before a year. A pair of cheap, warm slippers will do well, if that.
    2. Change table. Once baby comes home, it’ll be a glorified shelving unit, I promise.
Hopefully these things will help you out a little bit on your journey. Good Luck!!

New Items!

We’re super excited, as we’ve got a bunch of wonderful new underwear coming in! Head over to www.laceylickins.webs.com to order them! 3 for $10.00! More new ones than just in this selection!